Przecław, Rzemień i Wiewiórka (former residences of Tarnowscy family)


Province: Podkarpackie
County: Mielecki / Dębicki
Commune: Przecław ( for Przecław and Rzemień) / Żyraków (for Wiewiórka)


latitude: N 50°10’84.01″
longitude: E 21°33’58.78″


latitude: N 50°19’11.13″
longitude: E 21°47’76.97″


latitude: N 50°21’02.28″
longitude: E 21°51’99.17″

Distance from Tarnow: Wiewiórka (35 km), Przecław (45 km), Rzemień (50 km)
Driving directions from Tarnow: Tarnów – Machowa (National road No. 4 towards Rzeszów) – Czarna – Borowa – Wiewiórka – Żyraków – Dębica (County road No. 985 towards Mielec) – Przecław – Rzemień (length TAM: approx. 70 km)


Wiewiórka – ruins of the brick manor-house – favourite residence of hetman Jan Tarnowski, situated some 20 km in a straight line from the castle at St. Marcin’s Hill in Tarnów (probably visual contact between the manor and castle was possible; the manor-house was located at a hill overlooking the towns of Dębica, Pilzno and Ropczyce). At present one can sightsee uncovered remnants of ceramics and furnace tiles, dated back to the 15th c. Probably there was an earth dyke on the western side that is no longer visible. On May 16th, 1561 hetman Jan Tarnowski died in Wiewiórka and was buried in the Tarnow Cathedral. Tarnowski’s sepulchral monument erected in the Cathedral is considered to be among tallest monuments of its kind in Europe.


Przecław – it’s a castle of Mikołaj Rej’s descendants, which for only a short period of time (presumably in the years 1654 – 1668) belonged to Tarnowscy family. Wooden structure, which is believed to be in place already in the 13th century, was replaced with a brick one in the years 1518-1529 by Mikołaj Ligęza of Półkozic. Tarnowscy sold the castle to Władysław Rey (a descendant of Mikołaj), Lublin Voivode.
The castle in Przecław was the second Rej’s residence, after the one in Puławy, that was turned into a family museum (the Rejs gathered heirlooms of their famous ancestor Mikołaj) and opened to visitors in the 19th century. Its proprietor at that time, count Mieczysław Rej, became the first chairman of Tatra Association – the first tourist organization in Central Europe. Gathered collections went missing during World War Two. Nowadays a restaurant, guest rooms and a museum are inside the castle which is surrounded by a 10-hectar park.


Rzemień – a residential tower (a type of fortified chivalric residence, popular in the Middle Ages) that was built probably in the middle of the 15th century for Tarnowscy family in Late-Gothic style, rebuilt several times (in Renaissance and Neo-Gothic styles). It consisted of several stories from which the upper ones were inhabited and could be accessed by wooden stairs. In case of an enemy attack those could be easily pushed off. In 1616 its new proprietor – Stanisław Lubomirski surrounded the edifice with modern fortifications.


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  • Latitude : 50.108401
  • Longitude : 21.335878