Google Street View in Tarnów!

23 October 2011 , Tags: TIC

Google is working on Street View service in Poland, and is continuously photographing locations in our country. Last week, a Google Trike was documenting places unavailable to cars, mostly Tarnów’s Old Town. The next stage of preparing the service is photographing the streets using a special Google Street View car. During its stay in Tarnów, Google Street View was assisted by Tarnów’s Tourist Information Centre. The exact date of the event was kept secret, to fulfill the requirement of photographing the “natural” look of the city.


Google Trikes will be taking photos which qualified to the final stage of the contest “Look, Poland! Choosing our showpiece for Street View”. More than 115 000 votes were cast via the Internet, and the winner was Piotrowska Street in Łódź. As a reward, its pictures will be the first to be included in Google Maps in Poland.


As Marta Jóźwiak from Google Poland explains – The large interest in the contest and the activity of the local communities were beyond our expectations. We would like to honor the places which were in the final stage of the contest and present them in Street View. We are also trying to take more pictures of those cities using cars, and also to visit the other cities from the final list. ( ). We managed to convince the Street View team to do that.


Street View is one of the functions of Google Maps. It allows users to take virtual walks around the world, watching places on panoramic photos taken from pedestrian perspective. In Street View, one may see pictures taken on all seven continents, in twenty seven countries, including special photos of numerous tourist attractions.

Ta strona korzysta z ciasteczek, aby świadczyć usługi na najwyższym poziomie. Dalsze korzystanie ze strony oznacza, że zgadzasz się na ich użycie.