Tourist Information opening hours

Tourist Information opening hours from 30th April to 3rd May 2022: 9 am – 5 pm

Easter office hours

During the Easter period, the opening hours of our Information Center will change: Saturday: 9 am – 2 pm Sunday and Monday: closed Happy Easter! 🙂

5 Reasons for Visiting Tarnów – Poland’s Pearl of the Renaissance

Only about one hour east of Kraków lies the charming and picturesque city of Tarnów. Małopolska’s second city by size, Tarnów is absolutely dwarfed by Kraków but features many of the same charms without the crushing crowds, inflated prices and occasional feelings of herd mentality that unfortunately come with a tourist market the size of Kraków’s. On the contrary, Tarnów […]

Tarnów — walking tour

Tarnów, a city on CNN list of the most beautiful smaller European cities in 2021. Yes, it’s charming. #walkingtour #Tarnów  

Tourist Information opening hours – Christmas:

24.12.2021 – 9:00 – 14:00 ❉❉❉❉ 25-26.12.2021 – CLOSED ❉❉❉❉ 31.12.2021 – 9.00 – 14.00 ❉❉❉❉ 01.01.2022 – CLOSED ❉❉❉❉ 02.01.2022 – 9.00-17.00 ❉❉❉❉ Merry Christmas!

Vineyard and Winery Tours in Europe

ENOTarnowskie Winemaker Project in Tarnów, Poland by Jakub Juszyński from Tymrazem More and more vineyards have been established in Poland in recent years. They are not big, but they have their charm, and the wines they produce have a lot of character.

5 Reasons for Visiting Tarnów – Poland’s Pearl of the Renaissance

Only about one hour east of Kraków lies the charming and picturesque city of Tarnów. Małopolska’s second city by size, Tarnów is absolutely dwarfed by Kraków but features many of the same charms without the crushing crowds, inflated prices and occasional feelings of herd mentality that unfortunately come with a tourist market the size of […]

CNN puts Polish city on Europe’s most beautiful towns lists

Tarnów has been mentioned by CNN on its list the most beautiful European towns. The American broadcaster especially acknowledged Tarnów’s Old Town, which it descibed as “a glorious mix of architectural styles”. The list also includes small towns of Spain, Portugal, France, and other countries.

Poland: Tarnów ranked among “Europe’s most beautiful towns”

Warsaw, Poland – The south-eastern Polish city of Tarnów has been ranked among the most beautiful towns in Europe in CNN’s new travel ranking. “Paris, Rome, Barcelona… Europe’s cities are bucket list destinations, and rightly so,” CNN writes. “But the continent’s small towns are a dream, too, with all the beautiful architecture and much of […]

Tarnów on the CNN list of the most beautiful smaller cities in Europe

The American CNN has prepared a ranking of the most beautiful smaller cities in Europe, which can boast, for example, architecture or a specific regional culture. One of Poland was among the fifteen towns. It is about Lesser Poland Tarnów. CNN said that although the city is one of the larger towns in the south […]
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